четверг, 25 июля 2013 г.


I've just left my bus in Prague and first go faced the EastExpress's sign "Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Uman, Vinnytsa..." (all that cities are Ukrainian and Mykolaiv is my native one:)) I didn't expect to see this on the bus station in Prague at all:) Then I tried to find bus stop with required buses but it wasn't easy. I was tired and decided to take a rest and sit on the nearest bench. I was relaxing and looking on the sunrise. Recently 2 men with sport bags stopped near the bench next to my one. Homeless man went to them and asked something in Czech. And one of the men answered him in Russian to go away and not in very good and cultural manner. Prague, Czech Republic. To the nearest Russian border at least 1000 km. 
It wasn't very easy to find the bus and to get to the CouchSurfers' apartment. I was near their house at 6 a.m. but I decided that it is too cruel to wake up somebody so early:) It was beautiful sunny morning. I found nice bench not far from there and had a breakfast. I took some food from Poland and it was time for it:) I had ciabatta (bread), natural yogurt (usually in Ukraine we have only sweet with fruits or nuts), Brie cheese with nuts and mineral water. It Ukraine for this "breakfast" I have to pay around 40 UAH (3,7 EUR) in supermarket but in Poland it cost 1,5 EUR. With this nice breakfast my morning in Prague was started. 
In Prague I found nice CouchSurfers' couple and as usually in the last minute:). Unfortunately, Martina and Pavel were busy at work and we hadn't enough time even to speak, but that several conversations that we had showed that they are very open hearted, smart couple with a lot of dreams and aspirations. Imagine: they plan to make trip round the world in 2015 and now they are earning money for it. I hope that their dreams come true, because I am sure, that all dreams of good people should come true!
So, I had a walk in Prague by myself and I tried to see as much as it possible during one day.
Main square, buildings on which one also looks like in Wroclaw, Krakow and Lviv:)
Must-have sightseeing attraction in Prague is Astronomic clock. They are beautiful but don't believe if somebody will promise you that each hour happens something amazing and wonderful:) You will only waste time in the tourists' crowd:)))
Vltava river. Nice sunny day, calm water, air-balloon in the sky and on the opposite coast of the river you can feed swans:) 
Main square made from gingerbread:). 
Absinth Shops are everywhere. But I decided that I don't want to look like characters from movie EuroTour  and skipped those stores:) I am not sure that you can really feel any effects after Absinth ice-cream and in addition I didn't see crowds near them. So, I decided that it isn't necessary to visit Absinth shops in Prague:) But if you were there and have something to tell, feel free to share about your experience in comments;)
Panoramic view. Very beautiful!
Christmas decorations store which works even in summer:)
It is also Prague's panoramic view, but from another point.
Recently I found Nova Sceny (modern concert-hall, as far as I understood) and one music band which played near it. They sounded really very cool. I've just found what band it was. Their name is Kieslowski and I guess that their from Czech Republic. So, I enjoyed their music!
And now one more report about food:) Recently I noticed that many people went to the little yard and in that yard somebody played music. I decided to follow the crowd and look what is there. There was celebration of 100th beer brewing of one local brewery. That's why there were free beer, cheese, olives and a lot of people:) Beer and snacks were tasty:)
After tasting beer with cheese I went to the center again and decided to continue tasting something local. Next choice was Trdelik. It is dough, baked on the broiling rack above live coals. After baking Trdelik is covered with mix of sugar, cinnamon and almond. It has wonderful smell as well as taste:)
Next challenge waited for me on the tram stop. There were no special terminals and it was impossible to by ticket from tram driver. In the morning I've bought ticket easily from the bus driver but later I noticed that it was more expensive (40 kron in comparing with 26). But in the evening tram drivers didn't want even explain me where I can buy that ticket!!! I asked girls on the tram stop and they suggested me to find (attention!!!) Tobacco store and ask for ticket there... I tried to find a least one of the such stores but I didn't noticed them at all until the next stop. Then I asked one girl the same question and recently she started translating my question in Russian to her mom. So, next, we communicated in Russian and they explained me where is the store with tickets. Finally, I bought one and went to CouchSurfers' apartment with one question in my mind: "Are you sure, that we are not in Odessa???" (P.S. it is our local humor:))) 
Few words about Russians in Prague: THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. In each souvenir store shop assistant spoke to me in Russian, in each restaurant or pub waitresses brought me Russian menu... Only one of them asked "Polish? - No - Russian? - No - Ukrainian? - Yes!!!" In another place waitress near the enter asked me "English? Russian?" and it was my mistake that I agreed for Russian. He asked his colleague and in a few minutes that crazy guy ran to me with phrase "Soooo beauuuuutifuuuuul girrllllll!!!" (he said this in Russian, but with so stupid and funny intonation which is usual for Turkish people). I was quite scared by such service:)) By the way, beer wasn't tasty. It tasted like it was diluted by water, Usually I cannot feel this, but in that case it was evidently.  
One more strange fact about Prague: you should pay for using WC in McDonalds:) 
Next I was going to Karlovy Vary.
... to be continued...

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