среда, 24 июля 2013 г.


After unsuccessful finding somebody who will go with me I started my trip with my own. Thank you, guys, for your wishes, inspirations and that you believed in me! It was really nice and important to hear. So, with wishes of safety and fun trip and words that I am very brave I went to Wroclaw to find dwarfs:)) 
I've found host on CouchSurfering on the day before trip (you will find this phrase not once in the next messages:)) He was nice and funny Australian with beard and long hair who traveled in many countries and now lives in Wroclaw and teaches English. Sometimes he has English lessons even in pubs or restaurants:)) Cameron met me on the bus station and suggested to go with his to the center first. He had lesson with his student and I had opportunity to leave my backpack with him and go for a walk while he was busy. 
Starbucks. it is everywhere in the world. Except of Ukraine. 
First cup of good coffee during the trip (after the week of instant coffee in Bedzin) and tasty muffin was presented to my stomach by me:)
Then we also walked to the Cameron's home. When I found the distance from the bus station to the center and from the canter to his place I was surprised how long is it! During that walk Cameron showed me main sight-seeing places and great thanks to him that all that time he carried my heavy backpack:) He also noticed that he knows a lot of nice places but he doesn't know their history or at least some information about them:) Exactly the same you can hear about me:)))
Main square Rynok. As well as in many other Polish and even some Ukrainian cities:)
Cameron lives on the 6th  floor in the house without elevator but with very nice stairs:) It was sooooo nice to find this on the last floor! 
At night he was going to CouchSurfers' meeting and I decided first to have a walk and then also join them.
Wroclaw is very nice in night lights. I was surprised that in other, even bigger cities, not all building in the center are lighted very nice. In the most cases only few big spotlights on each building. After Kyiv, Lviv, St.Petersburg it was quite strange for me:) But Wroclaw was also with a lot of nice lights, so thanks to this city for positive impressions and beautiful photos at night!
Then I joined the CouchSurfers' meeting in Wroclaw. There were many funny, outstanding, crazy, strange, etc. people:) I was very tired and even didn't mentioned when one Polish guy after few minutes of dialogue English asked me questions in Russian and I still answered in English. I understood that he spoke to me in my native language may be only after 2nd or 3rd question:) It was also very nice to hear that Macedonian guy knows our music band Mad Heads XL, but in addition he remembered Russian band Leningrad:)))
Woooohoooo!!! Finally I've got a chance to sleep enough after week on the project:) So, with a lot of energy I went for a walk, shopping and searching dwarfs: 
Let's say "thanks" to self timer on my camera:)
I don't know what about this event is. They build stage for their performance on the main square very fast. By the way, drums' sound was amazing!
Several words about how I tried to find food for lunch. I asked in Tourist Information Center where I can eat something not very expensive. They pointed on the map place where I should go. When I'd got that place I found something without signs but with many locals inside. I decided to try. So, menu only in Polish. Waitress is old women who for sure doesn't know English. I made my random choice from the list of available now dishes.
Can you imagine? I paid for both dishes 1,5 EURO! I wasn't sure is it safety for my stomach, but considering that this place was very popular with locals I decided that they have food with good quality. Soup was tasty but quite strange. Sauce for pasta was too sour. Other people had something better, like potatoes with meet balls and probably price also not very high. So... Fortunately, I felt good after that food and let's mark that attempt to find cheap food successful:) Finally, little nice bird decided to help me with pasta:)  
I saw many interesting drawings on the walls in Wroclaw. They differ from usual modern paintings on the walls in Ukraine. I am not very good in art, so if somebody knows about this something interesting, please, say what do you think.
Display on the tram stop. And if it says that tram #11 will be in 5 minutes, it will be in 5 minutes for sure.

And now about main Wroclaw's feature: dwarfs. They are places everywhere in the city. Nobody knows exactly amount of dwarfs but there are around 150-200 of them. They are not very big (20-30 cm) and that's why it isn't easy to find them. I won't be truth if I say that I really searched them. I only took photos of all dwarf which I met:) Here they are:
As for me, it is nice attraction for tourists as well as funny decorations for locals. It is easy and cool idea how to make city better and as a result more popular. I enjoyed them and regret that I hadn't enough time to see other dwarfs in Wroclaw!
My trip in Poland was finished in Wroclaw. First impression after crossing Ukrainian-Polish border: exactly the same Ukraine may looks like only after few years of kind development. The same streets and buildings, but these are cleaner and without advertising everywhere. The same people but here they are more friendly and smile. The same stores and food but sometimes prices twice (!!!) lower. Only alcohol is more expensive. With Ukrainian credit card MasterCard it is easier to buy bus ticket in the Internet in Poland than in Ukraine. Bus tickets cheaper than in Ukraine too. I should remember you that buses and roads there much better despite lower price. Why they can live better and we can not? And it is not far countries like UK, Netherlands or Germany. It is country with which we have the same history. Let's cross our fingers and believe that we will live like they or even better very soon. We just should crash our conservative outlook. 

Well.... Thanks to my host Cameron in Wroclaw for his hospitality and good mood! And additional thanks for so warm reference on my CouchSurfer Profile:) 

Than I was going to Prague. Few words about Polish buses again. They are red and cool:) I should show you how they look like! Unfortunately I don't have photos of them, that's why I used several from the web. Moreover it is enough to show the number of your reservation in any way (printed, photo in the mobile, written on the paper, etc) to enter the bus. Buses have free Wi-Fi and that company (PolskiBus) sometimes has promotions like you can by ticket from one city to another only for 1 EUR.

At night bus looks like spacecraft. Red sits with blue lights. Silence inside bus and you only feel light waggling. One of these night buses took me to Prague.

... to be continued...

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