понедельник, 22 июля 2013 г.

Make me know it! Youth project in Bedzin, Poland.

May be, it will be the longest post in this blog because it is about participation in the project "Make me know it!" took place in Bedzin, Poland.


8 days, teams from 6 countries (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Italy, Belarus, Russia) a lot of fun and too less time for sleep:) 
For sure, it was serious project of European commission. It was started with teambildings and making acquaintances. 
We studied languages of other countries-participants. Especially thanks for Romanians for their asha si asha (a hope, that I wrote right:))) I am sure, that everybody remember this:)
Ok, ok... We didn't spend time doing something serious. Sometimes we had a chance to dance during teambuildings:)
But mostly we studied, worked from early morning until late night.
We visited Katowice
We were in the Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Sląskiego (as I understood, building of regional government) in Katowice.

We were in Museum of Coal mine "Wujek". There were strike-breaking action by the Polish police and army at the Wujek Coal Mine in KatowicePoland, culminating in the massacre of nine striking miners on December 16, 1981.
For sure, we worked hard, made photo- and video-reports about out visit to Katowice and even wrote articles.
One day we prepared event for pupils from one of the Bedzin's school. On this event we had special and very important guest Jerzy Buzek. He was a Prime Minister of Poland and now he is current member of European Parliament.

We had Intercultural nights everyday. We had to present our country as great as it possible! I hope that we helped to increase amount of tourists in Ukraine after our presentation!:)
It was impossible to present Ukraine without black bread and salo:))
So... it this manner it has to be in official reports. And now, for that people who are still reading this one I will tell how it was really:)
We also had city-game in Bedzin with physical activities in its end:) After the main quests in the Castle, in the Museum and in the Library we had extra tasks. In the last of them we should crash other teams' members' balloons. It was hard to find a winner:) Two the strongest guys fought for the victory for a long time:)
Than we had water-balloon fight:) If I remember correctly, there were 200 balloons:)

And ritual dances as usual:)

Serious events? Very important guests? Pffff.... For example Romanians pained together with Jerzy Buzek:)
We entertained children from the local school. But I am not sure, who had more fun: we or children?:)
Everybody had "secret friend" and somebody who should be killed by hugs when nobody see this in the game "Killers"
We learned a lot of new words. Lyrics, greetings, etc. Sometimes not very good words. Lukash, Corin, Sergey, am I right in saying that?:)
... By the way... asha si asha made our day:) or even days:)))
On each intercultural event we had traditional food and drinks of country-representatives.
Italians. True Italians!!!
Russia presented their country with Ukrainian sweets:) Niiiiice:))
We had a lot of food. We were like hamsters. Ukrainian women-hamsters part of the team.
But it any case Italian Tiramisu made by real Italians is the best of the best. I even got true Tiramisu's recipe from true Italians!:) And as I promised, I cooked Tiramisu and took photo. It was veeeery tasty! Thanks from all my family! Sorry for the photo's quality. I didn't have chance to take several photos. Everybody wanted to taste it:)
We didn't go to the lake because at that day when this trip was planned it was rainy. Instead of the trip we had workshops. Everybody could choose: to held or to visit workshops. I've just said thanks to Italians for Tiramisu recipe and now one more thank you, Concetta and Marina for Pesto recipe which you also told us on your cooking workshop! And also thank you, Gianni for your yoga workshop:) It was too fun to be called yoga but it was very cool:) P.S. chu-chu-chu-chuh:)

Thank you, Lukash for our workshop about traveling hitch-hiking and Couch Surfing. Thank you that we both had opportunity to tell everybody about cheap trips, share our experience, as well as heard various interesting stories from other participants! I hope that now your laptop feels better and doesn't give you surprises like that one:) Or... may be it is better when it does something like that?:)
Thank you, Sergey, for the chance to help you with English during your workshop about Ukrainian army. I even didn't expect that it can be so interesting topic and its discussion can be so active, interesting and quite funny:) I said "funny" because it was curious to hear how Sergey said something in Russian, Concetta in Italian and they even didn't need translation sometimes!:) It is really cool! Thank you for that opportunity!
Russian girl Masha asked us about our hobbies during the week. It the end of the project she surprised all of us! She drew character of each of us! It is fantastic! Thank you Masha for your efforts! P.S. it is easy to find me:) I am long-red-heared girl:) I said that my hobby is Track and Field (Athletics) but I don't know why Masha also added ribbons:) But in any case, it is really cool!
Sure, GREAT GREAT GREAT THANKS to Polish team and organizers that this project happened and it was so great!
So... Project was almost over. Only final party waited for us. It was happy and at the same time sad night. Because we should to say "Bye-bye" to everybody:(
After choosing photos for this post and telling to my relatives and friends about this project in Poland I miss you, guys, more and more! You are so cool, nice, smart and outstanding! You are very friendly and open-minded. I am very happy that I met you! Thank you for that great time! Especially thank you for Ukrainian team! I've seen you 1st only in Poland and I didn't expect that only after 1st day I can feel that I know you for a long time! Kristina, I miss "telyachiy stejk", "malenkij Pariz" and "skazemo tak, ne kompliment":)))) Sergey, I really appreciate people who can change my opinion about theirselfs. And you are one of such people. I highly respect all your efforts and hope that you will continue your self-development. Thank  you Anya, that you was tight asleep at 4 a.m. when we came back to our room;) Thank you for a good mood and fun time together! P.S. Who has photos of all Ukrainian team together? I couldn't find at least one! Please, share with me, if somebody have them!
I just want to say "hi!!!!" to all of you again!!!!!

Thank you, guys for that energy, emotions, impressions, memories and inspirations! Thank you for that time together! It was extremely coooooooool!!!!!!
P.S. Laces from Polacks and Romanians were with me during all my trip in Europe and they are still on my wrist:) Thank you!

6 комментариев:

  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You kept your promise and made tiramisu I'm proud of you! Great job! I really miss our time together, just like you remembered: we don't need word, because we speak with our souls, this is the real interconnection! This experience was great, really! Kisses, Concy... Ps. I'm waiting you in Italy, eh!

    1. Ohhhh, Concy, so nice to find your feedback! And if only I made tiramisu and showed picture of them? I guess you received several dozens of photos from all participants, isn't it?:)

      So, may be really, see you once in Italy! Why not?:)

  2. Reading this post gave me such a great feeling...Thank you for that!

    Ps: Miss you...Așa și așa!

    That ' ș ' is the symbol for the 'sh' in our language!


    Ana, Romania

    1. Okey, but for this symbol I need to change my keyboard:)))) We don't have something like it in Russian and Ukrainian:)))

      Miss you all!:)

      Sorry for everybody for such late replies. It's my fault but I only few minutes ago noticed that there are 3 comments. I didn't know that so smart google don't want to inform me about them at all!

  3. I miss it all! Great post, July, really great@ I will send you our photos together) hope to see you again!

    1. Yep, thanks:) I've already posted my feedback in VK and as I wrote above this one I've just found:)
