I've just left my bus in Prague and first go faced the EastExpress's sign "Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Uman, Vinnytsa..." (all that cities are Ukrainian and Mykolaiv is my native one:)) I didn't expect to see this on the bus station in Prague at all:) Then I tried to find bus stop with required buses but it wasn't easy. I was tired and decided to take a rest and sit on the nearest bench. I was relaxing and looking on the sunrise. Recently 2 men with sport bags stopped near the bench next to my one. Homeless man went to them and asked something in Czech. And one of the men answered him in Russian to go away and not in very good and cultural manner. Prague, Czech Republic. To the nearest Russian border at least 1000 km.
It wasn't very easy to find the bus and to get to the CouchSurfers' apartment. I was near their house at 6 a.m. but I decided that it is too cruel to wake up somebody so early:) It was beautiful sunny morning. I found nice bench not far from there and had a breakfast. I took some food from Poland and it was time for it:) I had ciabatta (bread), natural yogurt (usually in Ukraine we have only sweet with fruits or nuts), Brie cheese with nuts and mineral water. It Ukraine for this "breakfast" I have to pay around 40 UAH (3,7 EUR) in supermarket but in Poland it cost 1,5 EUR. With this nice breakfast my morning in Prague was started.